[ About ]

Yuasa Engineering Solution (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Solving social issues – Service Integrated Shosha Group

Since our founding in 1666, we have been guided by the principles of honesty and trust, a spirit of enterprise and creativity,
and respect for human dignity, as well as the continuing pursuit of solutions in cooperation with our partners by connecting products
and services. Our value chain, consisting of our distributors’ “Yamazumi Association”, our suppliers’“Tankyo Association”, and the Yuasa group companies, has kept adding new functions

Visit our Main Branch at : www.yuasa.co.jp

[ company strategy ]

Our Philosophy

Contribute and achieve the "Smile" from all the companies

Achieve Thailand's BCG Concept (Bio/Circulation/Green Energy)

To control greenhouse pollution and increase the corporate value of every customer through our technology.

Company Profile

Company name

Yuasa Engineering Solution  (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Address 23/14 Sorachai Building 12th Floor, Sukhumvit 63 Rd., (Ekamai) Klongton Nua, Wattana, Bangkok, Thailand, 10110
Contact 02-285-4661 , 02-002-7295


15,000,000 THB


  • SMSB CO.,LTD 17%
  • SBCS CO.,LTD 17% 

Managing Director



Sales/Installation/Maintenance for Utility EquipmentConsulting/Measurement
(Energy Saving Survey, Support Application for Subsidiary)

Our Experiences

We are the expertise in BOI and JCM.

What is BOI ?

BOI is stand for Thailand Board of investment, which is one of the department agency of the Government of Thailand. The main priority of BOI is to promote foreign investment in Thailand.
The offices are located in 14 different major cities as well as regional offices throughout Thailand.

What can we help with BOI?

At Yuasa Engineering Solution, our staff are expert in BOI. We can assist you with any kinds for document issue or translation (ENG-JP-TH) in order to request for the approval from BOI. We can also be your consultant for any error during the approval process for BOI.

What is JCM?

JCM is a system that encourage the developing countries to reduce the greenhouse gas emission as well as carbon dioxide, which the result of the reduction will be assessed as the contribution by both partner countries and Japan. The main focus of the JCM is the Carbon Credit which serve as the qualitative evidence of emission which then would be used to achieve Japan’s reduction target.

What can we help with JCM

Similar to BOI, we can assist you with any kinds of document issues, approval process and prevent language barrier.

BOI & JCM Scheme

Global Network

Feature and Function

[ OUR Product ]

Energy Saving Product